

Types of Investment Commodities 

Today, tradable commodities fall into the following four categories:

  • Metals (such as gold, silver, platinum, and copper)
  • Energy (such as crude oil, heating oil, natural gas, and gasoline)
  • Livestock and Meat (including lean hogs, pork bellies, live cattle, and feeder cattle)
  • Agricultural (including corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cocoa, coffee, cotton, and sugar)

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PooniCapital.x (DAC) is headquartered in Bequia, St Vincent and the Grenadines with 7 offices in 7 jurisdictions.

PooniCapital.x itself does not carry out any regulated activities, the only exclusive activities we carry is Prop Trading and Professional Training and consequently is not required to be authorised by the regulatory authority. All Pooni Capital's preferred clearer do conduct regulated activities and are authorised to do so by regulatory authority.